Trenbolone 200
Dragon Pharma

Trenbolone 200

90.00 USD

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Substance: Trenbolone Enanthate
Pack: 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml)

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Trenbolone 200 Reviews
Apr 10, 2013 (21:51)

Really nice product.

You don't need much more than 200-400 mg of this a week with other anabolics.

I was on 600 mg of DP EQ, 400 mg of DP tren and 500 mg of Iranian test e a week and after starting the tren enanth, I started to notice a leaning out effect.

With the EQ my hunger was unreal, I was eating at least an additional 1000 cals a day more.

Strength gains were good, hunger was up more than with EQ alone, aggression was up, but I kept getting ridiculous back pumps, that rectified when I lowered the dose to 200-300 mg a week.

I also noticed pretty intense bouts of hypoglycemia, that was worse than when on IGF-1.

I highly recommend this compound from EK.

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